Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections on 2012, Resolutions for 2013

So it's that time of the year to do reflections and resolutions. 2012 has had its shares of ups and downs, and in photography, for me a bit of a down. I know I took up the Project 366 and fell really really behind, along with the weekly assignments and project I had promised myself in keeping up with. As of right now, with graduation so close, I will be putting photography on hold. I know it is just a hobby for me, rather than a profession, but at the same time, constantly thinking about how behind I am in weekly posts and whatnot will hopefully take some stress off my back until May. I will take pictures, but less frequently. :(

Anyways, to end this post on a happier note, SMILE!

Happy 2013!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A little early, but...

Here's a cool post by Time Lightbox of everyday this year in silhouettes.
My top three favorites were:
January 16, Auguest 23, and November 14

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

How Many Photos?

Here's a video I found... only the first half is "relevant". (It kinda goes off on a tangent -_-)

It's interesting especially considering how photography has evolved to become convenient with camera phones and other devices.

Monday, October 29, 2012

And so the storm hits...

Here are some shots of the super storm that is hitting the East Coast right now. Prayers and wishes to those people affected by the storm.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Light Painting

Here's a cool light painting video a couple of guys put together. It's definitely something I've been wanting to photograph for a long time! XD Hopefully I can try some out soon!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Japan Day 4: Day of Rest

After walking so much in the past few days, I figured it was best to take it "easy", especially with the heat/humidity. I did go shopping (again) though. :P

Project 366: 7/9/12

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Japan Day 3: Being Touristy in Nagoya

I used to visit Japan with my family almost every year when I was little, but we never did much touristy stuff here in Nagoya, so I wanted to see some of the sights during my stay. My grandma wanted to come along for exercise... which we got plenty of. To sum up our trip, we went to Atsuda Shrine, Nagoya Castle, and Takashimaya building that is connected to Nagoya Station.

Project 366: 7/8/12

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Japan Day 2: Shopping!

Jet-lag is probably the best thing that has happened to me in a while, considering that I can barely wake up before noon while at home. I woke up at 4:30 am... :P

Anyways, my grandma and I cleaned the family graves in the morning and in the afternoon, went shopping. I can't recall when I last got really tired from shopping so much. XD

I didn't take my camera with me while shopping, but this is a door at my grandma's place that I always loved. Good enough of an excuse to take pictures. Hehe.

Project 366: 7/7/12

Friday, July 6, 2012

Japan Day 1: Hello Humidity

My excitement for setting foot off the plane was soon reversed into sweat and tiredness by the heat. Oh and to top it all off, it's rainy season here... Funny how I was warned about this, yet never did I imagine it to be this bad. Who turned on the heater in the middle of summer?!?!??!?! =____=

The family grave is really close to my grandma's house, I decided I should pay my respects. It's been 6 years since I was last in Japan.

Project 366: 7/6/12

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Japan Day 0: Departure

And I'm off to Japan! Yay!

I put "Day 0" as the title, due to the "disappearance" of July 5th with the crossing of the International Date Line. *shrug* Oh well. :P

I didn't take that many pictures on the plane, but I arrived at the boarding gate early, so I took pictures then. Yes, I was bored.

And here are the two photos I took while in flight. :)

Project 366: 7/5/12

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th on the Beach

Today was a beach hangout with friends. Of course, being July 4th, it was very crowded (had a hard time finding parking). We didn't do barbequing, but just enjoyed ourselves nonetheless. Unfortunately I had to leave early because I need to pack for tomorrow's departure! :/

Project 366: 7/4/12

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Cliffs and Beaches

Today was hangout time with my friend from high school. We decided to explore nearby coastal areas, and it was a blast! XD