Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections on 2012, Resolutions for 2013

So it's that time of the year to do reflections and resolutions. 2012 has had its shares of ups and downs, and in photography, for me a bit of a down. I know I took up the Project 366 and fell really really behind, along with the weekly assignments and project I had promised myself in keeping up with. As of right now, with graduation so close, I will be putting photography on hold. I know it is just a hobby for me, rather than a profession, but at the same time, constantly thinking about how behind I am in weekly posts and whatnot will hopefully take some stress off my back until May. I will take pictures, but less frequently. :(

Anyways, to end this post on a happier note, SMILE!

Happy 2013!!!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

A little early, but...

Here's a cool post by Time Lightbox of everyday this year in silhouettes.
My top three favorites were:
January 16, Auguest 23, and November 14